Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Recruitment Shortlist List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022/2023 – Check CEAPOLY Shortlist

Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Recruitment Shortlist List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022/2023 – Check CEAPOLY Shortlist

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Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Recruitment Shortlist List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022/2023 – Check CEAPOLY Shortlist


This update is to inform the general public that the full list of Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic (CEAPOLY) recruitment shortlisted candidates is out for all that applied to check via the link provided below. All you need to check as well as when (date) the full list would be available for checking online are all contained here.

Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Recruitment Shortlist List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022/2023 – Check CEAPOLY Shortlist


Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Recruitment Portal 2022/2023 for checking shortlisted candidates –

Note that the CEAPOLY shortlisted will be out few weeks after the closing date of the recruitment.

Before checking your name on the Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic shortlisted candidates, ensure you have your

  1. Reference Number
  2. Email address used during the online registration
  3. Phone number used during the online registration

How to Check Captain Elechi Amadi Port Harcourt CEAPOLY Shortlisted Candidates 2022/2023

All shortlisted candidate for the Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic massive job Recruitment will be notified via SMS, email address used during online registration, newspaper publication or on the official Port Harcourt Poly (CEAPOLY)  website.

Remember, the application is free and do not pay money to be shortlisted for the job.

Check the Recruitment Portal or website: Visit the CEAPOLY recruitment portal or official website at, then check the menus and click on Jobs/Career/Recruitment/Vacancies, then follow the information on the page to log in and check for the latest information about your application.

Check your Email Inbox or SMS: If the recruiter decides to contact successful candidates privately, chances are, they will use contemporary means of communication to reach out to you. Therefore, you should check your email inbox and spam folder, your SMS Inbox. Check all the communication channels you submitted during the application.

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How to get information in your Phone or Email for further updates



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