How To A Write Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Job Application/Employment
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How To A Write Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Job Application/Employment

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How To A Write Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Job Application/Employment


You’ve found the perfect job opportunity. You send your CV and you breathlessly wait for the call-back… but it never happens. Sound familiar? Yeah, it does for most of us. But how’s that possible?

Your CV has never been read. It wasn’t good enough.

How To A Write Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Job Application/Employment


Take heart, this nightmare scenario isn’t unfolding ever again. You’re about to learn how to write a CV no one will be able to resist reading.

It would be best if your resume was tailored to include information relating to the job position. Not only does this information make you a stronger candidate, but it helps in keeping your document short and brief.

Writing a curriculum vitae should be tailored to the particular job/position you are about to apply for. In this article, we will direct you on how to write a professional resume/cv.

Difference Between Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Resume

A CV and resume are similar in that they’re both documents that summarise your professional history, education, skills and achievements. They’re also both documents you might provide an employer for consideration for an open position.

It is important to note that in the United States and most of Europe, resumes and CVs are not interchangeable. A resume is typically a one-page document that provides a concise overview of your previous roles, skills and details about your education. The French word résumé translates to “abstract” or “summary.” A CV, on the other hand, is typically a longer, more detailed document focused largely on academic coursework and research. CVs are commonly required in industries such as education and academia as well as science and research.

There are a few exceptions, however. In India, South Africa and Australia, the terms CV and resume are interchangeable.

If you’re practising writing resumes, you may be tempted to shorten your CV to keep it to one page. However, because CVs require so much information, they’re typically multiple pages in length. In other words, don’t cut crucial details to save space.

What to Include in a CV

There are several differences between a curriculum vitae and a resume. A curriculum vitae is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis of your background and skills. As with a resume, you may need different versions of a CV for different types of positions.

Like a resume, a curriculum vitae should include:

  • Your name
  • Contact information
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Experience

In addition to these basics, a CV also includes:2

  • Research and teaching experience
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Grants
  • Fellowships
  • Professional associations and licenses
  • Awards and honors

Provide Your Personal Information Details

To create a job-winning resume, you must include your contact information. Make sure you have a section in your resume which features your correct and updated contact information, including name, email, telephone number, and address.

Remember, since it is a federal job, your postal address should be up-to-date as it will be used in the vetting process. Consider having a different and easy-to-read font for this section.

Your Citizenship Status Should be Stated Clearly

Federal jobs in Nigeria are usually keen on the citizenship status of the applicants. For this reason, it would be in your best interest to include your citizenship in the application. Remember, since the hiring managers have short attention spans, you must make it clear, brief, and easily visible.

Be keen also to include other important information relating to the job post, if required. For instance, a certain job may demand your social security number.

Clearly State Education and Qualifications

The section should end with your current education level. It is essential that you make copies of the transcripts, education certificates such as degrees and diplomas.

Ensure you only include education certificates pertaining to the job/recruitment that you are applying for.

Let your Details be Channelled to the job Positions

It is important to tailor your current document to match the requirements listed in the job post. Take note of keywords used in the post and use them to write your resume.

Remember, the recruiters might just screen your document for certain keywords used in the government job. Doing this will help you list the abilities and skills relevant to the position in question.

Include Experience from Working in Similar Positions

Once again, you must only list those experiences from working in positions similar to the one in question. Only list those work experiences that you feel will make you a stronger candidate in the eyes of the employers.

Be Keen on Your Resume Length

While details about the government job might be long and detailed, it is advisable to try and keep your cv short and brief. Fresh college graduates should have a one-page resume, while seasoned veterans are expected to have CVs with no less than two pages.

Curriculum Vitae Sample/Example of CV

Rivers State, Nigeria

Curriculum Vitae

Dedicated and patient-focused M.D. positioned to excel within residency providing an opportunity to grow in knowledge and therapeutic practice of pediatric medicine.


Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), May 2023 – David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

B.S. in Biology, summa cum laude, June 2014 – Stanford University


David Geffen Medical Scholarship, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Stanford Department of Biology Award, 2023
Stanford Dean’s List, 2010-2014


USMLE Step 1, May 2020
USMLE Step 2 CK, May 2022


UCLA, Department of Oncology
Research Assistant (2016-2017)

  • Assisted Joe Johnson, M.D. and Sue Sanderson, Ph.D. in research and submission of “Novel Immunotherapy Approach to Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS).”

Resident Assistant (2014-2015)

  • Provided leadership, companionship, and emotional support to undergraduate residents of a university dormitory.


American Medical Student Association, UCLA (September 2019 – June 2021)

  • President, local chapter, May 2014 – June 2018
  • Coordinated well-attended Wellness on Campus Fair, September 2017

Volunteer, Venice Family Clinic (September 2014 to June 2017)

  • Helped to support the needs of underserved families at the free medical clinic.

Hospital Volunteer, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center (September 2014 – June 2015)

  • Volunteered in pediatric, ER, and surgery rotation positions

Volunteer, UCLA People-Animal Connection Program (September 2013 – June 2014)

  • Provided companionship to critically ill children in the animal-assisted therapy program.


English (native)
Spanish (advanced oral and written fluency)


American Medical Student Association, 2014 – present
American Medical Association, 2017 – present


CrossFit, surfing, photography, and oboe performance.

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