Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is Out

Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is Out

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Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is Out


Are you looking for how to download Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates PDF for the 2023/2024 recruitment exercise? If yes, then clearly follow the steps in this article to check if you’re among the successful applicants on the shortlist.

Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is Out


Did you apply for Kabete National Polytechnic recruitment and have been waiting to receive a notification from the school concerning your application or want to know when the names of shortlisted candidates will be released? If so, you do not have any worries, as all these questions are answered in this article. So, ensure you read this post to the end.

Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates is a shortlist of the overall applicants for various KNP job positions in Kenya. Only applicants who qualify for employment and the job position will be on the shortlist Pdf.

Bear in mind that you will have to attend an interview on a scheduled date and time, specified on Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates PDF file.

Is Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 Out?

Yes, Kabete National Polytechnic recruitment list of successful applicants is out and you can check online via the application portal www.kabetepoly.ac.ke by following the steps in this article.

Will I Receive a Notification If I Am Among Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates?

Yes, Kabete National Polytechnic will notify you if your name is among its recruitment shortlisted candidates. Besides, the institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer, willing to hire all qualified applicants, regardless of their religion, sex, sexual orientation, bodily disability, and other personal attributes.

Counties on Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates

If you are from one of the following counties in Kenya, you can check your name on Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates.

Mombasa Nyandarua
Kwale Nyeri
Kilifi Kirinyaga
Tana River Murang’a
Lamu Kiambu The
Taita Mak Taveta Turkana
Garissa West Pokot
Wajir Samburu
Mandera Trans-Nzoia
Marsabit Uasin Gishu
Isiolo Elgeyo-Marakwet
Meru Nandi
Tharaka-Nithi Baringo
Embu Laikipia
Kitui Nakuru
Machakos Makueni
Kericho Narok
Bomet Kajiado
Kakamega Homa Bay
Vihiga Migori
Bungoma Kisii
Busia Nyamira
Siaya Nairobi

How to Check/Download Kabete National Polytechnic Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024

To check your name among Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates or download its Pdf, take the following steps one after the other.

  • First, go to the application portal http://www.kabetepoly.ac.kc
  • Select career from the menu bar
  • Scroll down the page to shortlisted candidates
  • Click the download button to get the PDF
  • Now, open the PDF and search through carefully to see if your name is in the shortlist

Another alternative to checking Machakos recruitment shortlist is via the print media or school campus.

Normally, shortlisted candidates should receive a notification via email or SMS even before the full list is published for public view.

Note that further detail on what to do will be communicated to you after screening/interview. For now a date for interview has not yet been scheduled but this page will be updated once that is done.

Let us know if you have any concerns or questions about Kabete National Polytechnic shortlisted candidates via the comment section below.

Feel free to click or tap on any of the social media buttons below to share this post with others who want to work for Kabete National Polytechnic in Kenya.

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