KNEC Portal Login 2023 Result

KNEC Portal Login 2023 Result

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KNEC Portal Login 2023 Result


Are you trying to access KNEC Portal login to either check 2023 result, registration, KNEC CBA portal login, projects, performance analysis, qualifying test registration, etc.

KNEC Portal Login 2023 Result


If yes, carefully read through this article to get the full detail about Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC portal login

Is this your first time hearing about KNEC portal or you are trying to check KPCSE result? It’s okay, we have outlined the appropriate steps on how to how to login to KNEC portal to see your results.

Questions relating to KNEC portal login includes:

  • How do I log in to KNEC-portal?
  • How can I get my KNEC result slip?
  • How do I know my KNEC-portal username and password?
  • How do I upload my KNEC assessment?
  • How do I activate my KNEC portal?
  • Is KNEC registration portal open?
  • How do I check my KNEC results online?
  • How can I check my KCSE results online?
  • Can I download my KCSE result slip?
  • How can I get KCSE certificate in KNEC portal?
  • How do I verify my KNEC certificate?
  • How do I activate KNEC messages?
  • How do I get assessment number?
  • How do I log into my KNEC cp2 login?
  • How to check Grade 6 KNEC results?

Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC portal is divided into two (2) sections which are; Primary Schools (KCPE) and Secondary Schools (KCSE).


KNEC KCPE portal is a subsection of KNEC portal mainly meant for primary schools. This means if you want to write primary school exams, you’ll have to visit this section for the portal.

The first section being for primary schools (KCPE) allows for candidate registration, choose school, check result online and also access KNEC CBA portal login.

Not to worry, we have outline the steps on how you can access KNEC KCPE portal to simplify the process for you.

How to Login KNEC KCPE Portal

First you have to visit

At the left part of the screen is KCPE menu which includes, candidate registration, confirm registration, school specific, online result slip, CBA portal and supervision.

How to Login KNEC KCSE Portal

Still visit, at the right side of the screen are KCSE menu; candidate registration, confirm registration, projects, performance analysis, online results, qualify test registration, supervision, SCEO, s module.

Is KCSE Result 2023 Out?

Yes, KCSE result for 2022/2023 is out. You can check or download the pdf by visiting then follow the steps below.

How to Check Result on KNEC Portal

To check either KCSE or KCPE result on KNEC portal, you need an internet connection following the steps below.

  • First visit
  • Select either KCSE or KCPE pending on the result you wish to check
  • Click online result
  • Input your username and password
  • Choose the year of examination
  • Then enter your serial number and PIN
  • Now, click the check button

Within seconds you result will load then you can download as pdf to print later or print immediately by clicking on the print icon.

KNEC CBA Portal Login

KNEC Competency Based Assessment (CBA) portal is an e-platform designated for submission and processing of issues relating to exam results or certifications. So if you have problems with anything related, you should enter the portal and enter your KNEC CBA login details.

This portal is usually accessible by schools and not individual candidates. Enter your KNEC CBA portal login details by visiting, then inputting the school username and password.

On the dashboard, carefully read through the options given and select as it applies to the query you wish to sort out.

If you have further questions about the portal, KNEC CBA portal login, or KCSE/KCPE result, kindly indicate in the comment section below.

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