Mercy Corps Recruitment For Enumerators

Mercy Corps Recruitment For Enumerators

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Mercy Corps Recruitment For Enumerators


Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its interventions on adolescent girls’ empowerment, economic development, and conflict mitigation. With the insurgency spilling over from the Northeast of Nigeria and causing displacement of millions of individuals, Mercy Corps started its humanitarian response in 2014 to address the rising humanitarian needs.

Mercy Corps Recruitment For Enumerators


The moment is right to build on the significant humanitarian investments and move towards an integrated market systems development approach that will drive inclusive economic recovery and ensure peace gains are maintained and improved upon.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Enumerator

Locations: Adamawa (Yola North, Yola South, Mubi North, Mubi South, Gombi, Song and Hong)
Employment Type: Contract


  • Mercy Corps is implementing a five-year United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity (RRA) in Northeast Nigeria. RRA aims to sustainably move people out of chronic vulnerability and poverty. Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity will enable individuals and communities to engage in strong and sustainable market systems rather than continuing to rely on humanitarian assistance and faltering with each new shock. To achieve this purpose, the Activity will have four components and four cross cutting elements.
  • Conducting constant research and analysis to understand the dynamics created because of our interventions shape our programming and assists Mercy Corps to make evidence-based decisions. Making course corrections is at the core of our programmatic approach to improve an adaptive learning process. Mercy Corps Nigeria, (Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development) will continuously commission series of quantitative and qualitative data collection on program activities across multiple sectors (Livelihood, Wash, Cash Transfers, Shelter, Protection, Conflict Management, Peacebuilding, Agriculture etc.) which will range from:
    • Household or Individual surveys (baseline, midterm and or end line)
    • Market Price Monitoring
    • Post Distribution Monitoring for food cash transfers, NFIs, and grants for business start-up and or expansions
    • Beneficiaries’ registrations, mapping and profiling exercises
    • Market Analysis or assessments including small, medium and large trader business performances
    • Ad-hoc assessments of key interventions (e.g pilots)
    • Data Entry
    • Quantitative and Qualitative Data collection
  • These will employ numerous techniques including structured survey questionnaires for individuals and businesses or institutions, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Key Informant Interviews (KII) and any other methodologies that are relevant for the specific project scope.

Objective of the Enumerators Assignment

  • The field enumerators will be primarily responsible for collecting qualitative and quantitative field data and data entry using digital platforms (e.g. CommCare). They have direct contact with households and have a great bearing on the quality of data collected and ultimately on the quality of data output.

Role of the Enumerator

  • The Enumerator will be responsible for collecting data, entering data and any other responsibilities for which he/she may be called upon to carry out. The data collection process may be carried out through one-on-one interviews, focus group discussions (FDGs) using an electronic data collection tool designed by Mercy Corps.
  • Enumerators will be expected at all times to follow sampling methods as directed by Mercy Corps.
  • Compile, record, and code information derived from specified forms into a predefined form or database.
  • Ensure that the supervisor is kept abreast of completed assignments and progress.
  • Identify and report any issues that may arise while attempting to obtain valid data.
  • Analyse the authenticity of the information provided by ensuring direct contact with each targeted study population (population of interest).
  • Interpret interview questions to assist respondents in understanding them and providing eloquent answers.
  • Double check information on survey forms or information pads to ensure the accuracy of information.
  • Engage in data entry in cases where paper base options are used.
  • Comply with quality and research ethics during and field works (this includes data protection and information confidentiality of respondents or target project participants).
  • Participate in debriefing sessions to share field experiences about the community and entire data collection.
  • Enumerators are expected to be respectful of the community and community leadership and membership at all times.

Organizational Support

  • The Enumerators will be managed by the Mercy Corps staff;
  • Technical support for the enumerators will be provided by Mercy Corps.
  • Devices will be provided by Mercy Corps to the enumerators when engaged for data collection. Enumerators will be expected to take good care of this equipment and will be required to return them in the same state as they are received.

Eligibility Criteria
Recruited enumerators will be responsible for the digital registration, must be willing to work in Yola North, Yola South, Mubi North, Mubi South, Hong, Gombi and Song LGAs of Adamawa state and will be available to start on short notice- Those based in these locations will be prioritized.

  • All applicants must have a minimum of Diploma Education in Accounting, Statistics, Business Admin and Management or equivalent (B.Sc. or HND is an Added Advantage)
  • All applicants should have some experience conducting interviews, facilitating focus group discussions, and note-taking proficiency
  • The applicant should be Tech-savvy with ability to operate tablets or experience using mobile data collection platforms
  • Readiness to be Trained and apply knowledge thereafter in the field.
  • Applicant should be data driven curious, observant and with ability to conduct door-stepping interviews
  • To be eligible you must be resident in the local government of assignment or at least must be resident in the state indicated for the assignment.
  • Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

Selection Criteria

  • Written Test: A written test will be conducted for all applicant who were shortlisted from the pool of applications. Selection from the pool will be dependent on requisite experience in related data collection. From the test the best performers will be selected for training.
  • Performance: This will be based on the results of two evaluations to be completed while on training. Applicants will be ranked based on performance; those attaining higher scores will be given first preference for the position of an enumerator.
  • Demeanour: Conduct, behaviour and deportment will be considered.
  • Prior Survey Experience :Previous survey experience with donor funded program will be a relevant consideration, all things being equal.

Contract Duration:

  • The contract with the enumerator will be for 12 (twelve) months from January 2023 – December 2023. Mercy Corps will only pay for the actual days of enumerators’ work.

Payment for Services
Mercy Corps will pay daily for each day of work and transcription of audio files.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply

Application Deadline  31st December, 2022. by 5:00pm


  • Enumerators would undergo training on the specific tools to be used for each assignment before deploying to the field. Different criteria, which range from skills, experience in research and data collection, availability, knowledge of program technical areas, contextual understanding, and familiarity with the local language of defined data collection area would be the criteria for selection of enumerators for an assignment.
  • Enumerators will be hired on a 1 year contract basis; however, they only be paid based on days worked, meaning that, enumerators are only paid when they are engaged by the Rural Resilience Activity team within the period of the contract


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