Nigerian Army

Nigerian Army Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal (DSSC 27 / 2023) – APPLY

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Nigerian Army Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal (DSSC 27 / 2023) – APPLY


Nigerian Army Recruitment 2023/2024 Portal is Open – Applications are invited from eligible Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) Officers in the following positions below:

Nigerian Army Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal (DSSC 27 / 2023) – APPLY


1.) Army Band Corp Officer

2.) Officer, Directorate of Legal Service

3.) Speech Therapist

4.) Occupational Therapist

5.) Medical Laboratory Scientist

6.) Nurse

7.) Pharmacist

8.) Dental Surgeon

9.) Dietitian / Nutritionist

10.) Medical Consultant

11.) Medical Doctor (Non Consultant)

12.) Officer, Directorate of Chaplain Services (Protestant)

13.) Officer, Directorate of Islamic Affairs

14.) Officer, Directorate of Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic)

Nigerian Army Recruitment Requirement 2023

All applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Be a Nigerian as defined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  2. Be a male or female between the ages of 20 and 30 years. Medical consultants could be between 25 – 40 years of age by May 2023.
  3. Be medically, mentally and physically fit according to NA standards.
  4. Be recommended and attested to his/her good character by at least 2 recognizable referees who are either a Local Government Chairman/Secretary or an officer of the Armed Forces not below the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and equivalent or an Assistant Commissioner of Police and above who must hail from the applicant’s state of origin. Passport photographs of referees must be affixed to the letter of attestation.
  5. Applicants must submit a letter of Attestation from their former institutions.
  6. Measure in height at least 1.68m (for males) and 1.65m (for females).
  7. Must not have been convicted by any court of law. Military personnel applying must be free from any disciplinary case and endorsed by the applicant’s Commanding Officer/Commander.
  8. Possess at least a first degree with not less than Second Class Lower Division or HND (where applicable) of not less than Lower Credit from any accredited institution of learning.
  9. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council or valid age declaration.
  10. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.
  11. Applicants must possess NYSC discharge certificate or valid exemption certificate as appropriate.
  12. Graduates with professional qualifications must be duly registered by relevant regulating bodies recognized by Nigerian Laws at the commencement of cadet training.
  13. Only post secondary academic credentials obtained from 2013 to date will be considered.
  14. Applicants must present valid contact addresses and telephone numbers of parents/guardians and Next of Kin as appropriate.
  15. Candidates must not have any bodily inscriptions or tattoos.
  16. Candidates must tender all original copies of educational certificates (primary to post secondary).
  17. Service personnel must present valid military identity cards and letters of recommendations by their Commanding Officers/Commanders. They must also present valid letter(s) of their respective Service sponsorship to tertiary academic institutions (where applicable). Additionally, they must have served for a period of not less than 5 years in the unit.
  18. Candidates must not belong to any cult/society/fraternity.
  19. Candidates with ability to swim will have added advantage.


  1. The DSSC will be granted for a total of 15 years, for an initial period of 8 years, renewable yearly for another period of 7 years. Direct Regular Commission (DRC) may be granted on conversion after 3 years as a commissioned officer. Other Service conditions include the following:
  2. The DSSC officers shall be on probation for the first 3 years of service.
  3. Conversion to DRC is not automatic but based on application by an eligible commissioned officer. It is however based on availability of vacancy and other criteria that are or will be in force from time to time.
  4. All graduating officer cadets must sign an acceptance of the terms and conditions governing the DSSC before they are granted commission into the NA.
  5. The reckonable period of service for civilians who become commissioned officers will be based on the date of commencement of cadet training while that of military personnel applicants would be date of enlistment.
  6. Medical Consultants on successful completion of military training shall be granted the rank of Major with seniority effective from date of commission.
  7. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Lieutenant (except for medical consultants who will be commissioned as Majors) with seniority effective from date of commission.

Go online and visit NA webpage at: and choose DSSC option from the page.

Nigerian Army Recruitment Application Closing Date 2023

Applications are to be made online free of charge from 31 January 2023 to 14 March 2023.

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