Npower NASIMS Payroll Payment Status Checker & Update Account Details on New Portal – Recently, we all are aware of the new Npower NASIMS Portal, All Npower beneficiaries are expected to make use of the new portal instead of the old portal. On this note, all Npower beneficiaries are expected to update their details as well as their account details on the new portal. This will also guide you on the steps to check your Npower NASIMS Payroll Monthly Stipend Payment Status here.
Npower NASIMS Payroll Payment Status Checker & Update Account Details on New Portal

Npower changed their website to a new one so that all activities under NSIP such as Npower, GEEP, NHGSFP, CCT etc will be in one site for easy accessibility.
All Npower Batch C are expected to update their profile with relevant information on their dashboard/self-service portal
How to update your profile on Npower New Portal
There is need for all Npower beneficiaries to update their profile on the new portal to avoid having hitch in payment. The fortunate part is that you can still use your old login details (Email address and Password) to login to the new portal.
- To update your Npower Profile, simply login to the new website
- Click on update Profile
- Fill up the required information
- Upload your passport and other relevant documents.
Validate Your NPower Account to Get Paid | NASIMS Payroll
One can validate the account by verifying the account information on your Npower Nasims portal and update your bank details tab with your account details that match the name used during registration and on your BVN.
How to Validate Your NPower Account to Get Paid
The NPower Batch C Stream 1 or 2 Schemes has commenced mass payment of 30,000 or 10,000 Naira to Beneficiaries on the NASIMS Payroll Portal for the npower Monthly stipends 2023/2024
Why Should I update my Bank Account Details on NPower/NASIMS Payroll Portal
The importance of an npower beneficiary to update his/her account details is to be paid their salary during disbursement of funds and not to encounter payment issues (I have not been paid my npower monthly stipend)
Why have I not been paid or received my Npower monthly Salary/stipend
Many have been asking this questions why is it that when others get their payment at the end of the month, they will not get their own. Have you ever asked yourself such a question?
The answers are just simple, you have not updated or verified your bank account details and your BVN on portal
We have come to understand that many of you are still yet to collect your nPower Job salaries and believing that your account information, name or information about you needed to be updated as fast as possible in order to get paid as simple as that can be, ensure you update your account details.
How To Update Bank Account Details and BVN on Npower Profile for Batch C Stream 2 – or
To validate your Npower Bank details and BVN, simply Click:
Npower Payroll Payment Status Checker
To check your Npower Payroll Payment Status, simply Click Here
Click on Payment Status to know your status
This will display the months you’ve been paid and the one you are yet to receive.
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