Reasons why people fail JAMB Examination and what to do to pass

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Reasons why people fail JAMB Examination and what to do to pass – This article is written to tell you some of the reasons why students or jamb candidates fail JAMB UTME Examination and also point out the things you are expected to do so that you would not fall a victim. Without you passing Jamb, your plan of being in the University that year would be delayed.

Reasons why people fail JAMB Examination and what to do to pass

Many candidates has written universities matriculation Examinations ( UTME), and has passed and gained admission while some wrote  failed and there was no room for them to be admitted while many are yet to write. These are surprising reasons why candidate fail. It is something one can avoid  if he/she must excel.

Reasons why Candidates fail JAMB Examination


The JAMB syllables is comprised of all  areas of concentration to all the subjects one registered for. The way people neglects to follow   the syllables and select topics they like as their own syllable is very alarming and indeed a bad sign.  It is important for one to know that your  thought  is not the thought of JAMB as questions must come out from all topics listed in the syllables.

We advice you follow the syllables and make sure to cover the syllables correctly before the stipulated date of the exam.


The Brochure is a material produced by JAMB to help candidates select the subjects  that is related to their different course of study’s. Some candidates, while registering for their matriculation Examination ( UTME), they selects subject they love so much not minding if it is related or not . when thus is done, it creates room to failure as it does not match their course of study.

It is advised that candidate should check and read though the JAMB Brochure before registering for the exam.


These has caused harm in the life of most candidates . when the registration is done very late , this perhaps make one to choose states which the candidate do not want. this implies that the state may be too far from the state of residence. The far distance can make the candidate arrive late for the exam. Also the CTB centre may not be conducive for the candidate .

It is advisable for candidates to register on time as it is quit much better since it guarantees you the opportunity of knowing your centre and to also visit the centre before the exam day at low cost.


Planning is preparedness for  future. Failure to plan for the future make the future looks scattered and unproductive. It is indeed one of the major reasons why people fail their JAMB Examination. Some people just rush to the exam hall without preparing for it. While most persons have hope of seeing familiar questions there fore they have no plans of reading there books. As the saying goes one who fail to plans plans to fail, once candidates fails to put there exams first, and take it as their priority, it really shows that you have no concern for it and as such takes it as nothing. Also failure to draw time table regarding to time and when to read for your exam makes some candidates not to cover up till exam day.

We advice since the subject are only four candidate are expected to standard time table for themselves and follow it strictly as it will help candidates a lot.


Computer knowledge is very important to anyone preparing for JAMB Examination. Poor knowledge on the use of computer makes one inefficient and can therefore lead to failure. It has caused lots of person to submit even without finishing. Being intelligent is not a guarantee to being computer literate. Candidates are expected to to learn and as well practice on how to answer the questions for efficiency. Even as a computer literate one needs to practice more to be more conversant with the criteria needed.


Speed is highly needed for an excellent result . an improve in accuracy and speed . your fatness to the questions help you go through the questions even when you are done. Be fast and try to answer the questions correctly this can only be possible with efficient practice . Use the computer and test your proficiency , efficiency, and accuracy before the exam day.


Material such as recommended books for the Examination . some people get the wrong information which leads  to failure. Though no information is a waste but regarding to the exam it is a total waste. Candidate should get past question and see how question are been set. Buy recommended text books and read . practice the text yourself with the past question using the information you got from the text books and other vital material. Always remember that their could be repetition of question which will favor you positively – no stress in selection, there by boosting your speed


Examination malpractice is something that has made candidates to fail. Candidates goes inside the hall with malpractice material such as cell phone, calculators, digital watches , written works or even pay someone to write the exam for them. If such person are caught in that immoral act, it lead to final cancellation of your result. there for the time spent on malpractice could have been enough for reading and preparing for the exam. So Just Believe in yourself and know that you can do it.

WARNING: This time around the joint administration and matriculation board ( JAMB), watches all students from the head office Abuja through a CCTV so as to know if you  are caught indulging in any form of malpractice which implies cancellation  of your result.


This is indeed another important fact . there is no way you will get the write answer if you did not understand the questions that is been asked. Do not rush to answers question try and understand it first before you select  your answer. But that does not mean that you have take more time than required in answering the questions. If you don’t know the answer  just select anyone and go back later to check properly.


Lateness to your exam centre (CBT Centre) contribute to failure of some candidates. They there for tend to score lower than expected even after much preparation because of been disorganized and not relaxed for the exam ( this means that the pressure is high on them).

Also most invigilator do not allow students who are late to the exam into the exam hall as this is one of JAMBs rule toward students. Candidate who fail to adjudge to the rule or instruction can easily be denied the right to write the exam.

It is vital and very important for candidates to locate their Examination center on time and wait for the exam to start and the reverse.

We hope you have learnt from this guide . for any information or question , we are always ready and here to answer to them.

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