TSC News Today on Recruitment 2023/2024 www.tsc.go.ke

TSC News Today on Recruitment 2023/2024 www.tsc.go.ke

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TSC News Today on Recruitment 2023/2024 www.tsc.go.ke


Would you like to know TSC news today on recruitment 2023/2024? If yes, this article will inform you about TSC latest news on employment of P1 teachers, www.tsc.go.ke latest news today, TSC recruitment January, 2023 and the recruitment portal.

TSC News Today on Recruitment 2023/2024 www.tsc.go.ke


We will also discuss the current TSC news on employment opportunities 2023 and the action you should take based on the news.

As we begin, I would like to ask fundamental questions such as; Did you apply for TSC recruitment? If yes, hope you adhered to the application instructions?

If you did that, great. Let’s now proceed to what could be considered as the latest TSC news.

TSC Replacement 2023

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to replace all the teachers who have exited the service in the last quarter of last year due to Natural Attrition countrywide.

The commission is set to replace 529 teachers who exited the service in the months of September, October, November and December.

The commission has released the list of vacancies, the schools having those vacancies and the subject combinations needed in those schools.

“Successful candidates will be deployed to serve in any part of the country  and not necessarily in the county where they were recruited,” Macharia said.

You can access all the advertised vacancies below. You can download for reference during application.

Due to the 100 percent transition policy put forward by the former president Uhuru Kenyatta, schools in Kenya are grappling with a deficit of over 95,000 teachers and this has hampered the progress and implementation of the policy in several schools in the country.

In the primary schools, we found from our statistics that they have a deficit of about 38,054 teachers while in the post primary institutions they have a huge deficit of about 58,291 teachers which has been orchestrated by the 100 percent transition from primary schools.

So from the TSC figures, its estimated that schools in Kenya have a deficit of over 96,000 teachers that needs to be bridged for effective service delivery.

The Technical and Vocational Education Training Colleges have also a shortfall of about 5,000 teachers considering the huge numbers they have.

Dr. Jamleck Muturi mentioned while at Tambachi Teachers College in Elgeyo Marakwet County that the commission will consider those areas which have a shortage of teachers during the recruitment process.

He stated that the government is working on a program to increase the number of teachers in all public institutions.

He also added that the commission is working on a modality of providing conducive working environment for all teachers in the country.

Dr. Muturi has encouraged the newly graduated teachers to apply for the jobs as the commission is recruiting teachers across the country currently.

To submit your application, visit the link https://hrmis.tsc.go.ke/tm-app/login, having found out about TSC news today.

The latest news today on TSC recruitment 2023 is that the names of successful candidates had been released and invited for interview per county.

Base on this information, applicants of TSC recruitment are to quickly confirm their name in the shortlist and also when their interview has been scheduled.

After this process would come another update which will be specifically for the employment of the candidates successful at the interview exercise.

TSC Latest News on Employment of P1 Teachers

Kenya Teaching Service Commission recently announced her readiness to employ about 1,000 new P1 teachers. Candidates interested were to submit their application via the application portal www.tsc.go.ke.

If you have done this, then note that the latest news on TSC employment of P1 teachers is that the commission will prioritize teachers with CBC diploma.

www.tsc.go.ke Latest News Today

Applicants of TSC recruitment are to visit www.tsc.go.ke to download the shortlist, interview schedule and also appointment letter.

What is TSC News Today on Recruitment 2023?

Summarily, the latest TSC news today on recruitment is that the final list of successful applicants from the interview conducted would soon be released.

To download and your name, visit Kenya Teaching Service Commission (TSC) application portal.

Is there any other thing you would like to know about TSC recruitment news? If yes, let us know in the comment section below.

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