
Closing Date /Deadline for Npower Biometrics Fingerprint Capture for Batch C Stream 2 2022

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When is Npower Thumb printing ending? Closing Date /Deadline for Npower Biometrics Fingerprint Capture for Batch C Stream 2 2022 – This article contains the closing date for Npower thumb printing, biometrics and fingerprint capture enrollment for Npower Batch C Stream 2 2022 shortlisted candidates. This will enable those who are yet to thumbprint to do so before the portal closes for the enrollment exercise. Note, the fingerprint biometrics will propel you to the next stage of the recruitment exercise.

Closing Date /Deadline for Npower Biometrics Fingerprint Capture for Batch C Stream 2 2022

Is Npower Biometrics fingerprint verification closing today?

The Npower Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Verification will help to propel candidates to the next stage of the Npower Recruitment exercise. In line with the ongoing N-Power batch C fingerprint capturing, we have decided to advise shortlisted applicants who are yet to capture their fingerprint on the NASIMS Portal to do so before the deadline as that is a yardstick to moving forward to the next stage.

Very important information reaching the Focal person office from headquarters indicates that following the shortlisting and subsequent communication to Npower applicants over 48 hours ago, National Social Investment Management Systems NASIMS observed a very low response rate of less than 10%.

Read; Click Here to check if you are shortlisted for Npower Verification Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment

All candidates that received mails from NASIMS are requested to urgently and carefully follow instructions for the Biometrics data enrollment. This is a very critical step in the NPower Batch C selection/ online validation process, you are expected to submit online upon successful enrolment of all four fingers.

How to do Npower Batch C Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment via NASIMS Portal

Click: to do your biometrics

When is Npower Thumb printing ending?

Npower thumb printing for stream 2 candidates ends by March, 2022. All concerned candidates should hurry up and do it before it closes officially. Accordingly, shortlisted candidates are to note that shortlisted applicants would be ineligible for final selection if they do not enroll in their biometrics data.

Closing Date /Deadline for Npower Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment for Batch C2 (Stream 2) 2022

Though the Nasims Npower management team has not specified any deadline, some State SIP has begun to rollout deadline and so it is very important that you do your biometrics immediately.

The closing date for Npower Batch C Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment is March 24, 2022. If there is any change in the date, it will be communicated to us in due time.

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  1. Nuhu Baba muri

    Pleases when is biometric will close

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