JAMB Regularization Issues Solutions: How to resolve Jamb regularization issues for NYSC mobilization

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JAMB Regularization Issues Solutions: How to resolve Jamb regularization issues for NYSC mobilization – This article is to guide on ways to resolve any Jamb regularization issue. We know that most students who wish to go for youth serve has been demoralized as a result of Jamb regularization as approval is not given as at when due. We believe that this article will be of great help to you to resolve all.

JAMB Regularization Issues Solutions: How to resolve Jamb regularization issues for NYSC mobilization

For one to be mobilized for NYSC, one need to have a VALID JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER.

Students or graduate that  gained admission into the universities, polytechnics or college of Education through predegree programs such as Basic , Certificate program, or direct application to the school must conduct a JAMB REGULARIZATION to VALIDATE the JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER.

Also , most students who have done the JAMB REGULARIZATION for months, weeks or days but are yet to get notification from JAMB office.

Steps on how to do JAMB Regularization


Then go to JAMB CBT Centre for the JAMB REGULARIZATION.

You are to summit the printed form to your school admission office, the admission office is in charge of summiting it to the JAMB Office in your institution state, the JAMB official in your institution state summits it to the JAMB Office at Abuja.

The JAMB official at Abuja will send a notification via Email address which will be used for the registration.

What to do when a notification has been sent from JAMB via your Email address kindly login into your portal via jamb.gov.ng/efacility

Print your Jamb admission letter and Jamb original Result


You can be able to go to your school for NYSC mobilization with your JAMB admission letter and other necessary requirements such as school fees payment Dashboard, statement of result and other important documents as stipulated by your school.

Haven’t received notification from JAMB via Email, what to do?

If the school had not sent you an Email or notification after the JAMB REGULARIZATION, do not panic as there are faster ways to confirm if yours has been worked on.

How to check if JAMB has worked on your JAMB REGULARIZATION form

  • Click on jamb.gov.ng/efacility/login
  • Input your correct Email address and your password
  • Click login
  • Scroll to the right top side of your jamb dashboard or portal i.e. the pace that has a small blur tiny passport.
  • Click on my profile
  • A dialog box or page will pop up
  • Or show your details, Click on SERVICE USAGE
  • Click on view my usage
  • Another page will pop up
  • Click on check STATUS

Note that : if your regularization has been approved, it will show if not exercise More patience as updates are still on going

How to get information in your Phone or Email for further updates


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