KEVEVAPI Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal

KEVEVAPI Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal

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KEVEVAPI Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal


KEVEVAPI recruitment 2023/2024 has commenced. Do you wish to apply? If yes, information about Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute job vacancies, application form, portal, requirements, how to apply, closing date and other necessary issue are discussed here.

KEVEVAPI Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Portal


As a Kenya citizen working in Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute would be awesome, therefore if you’re currently unemployed, we recommend you apply for KEVEVAPI recruitment 2023.

We have provided detailed information concerning the entire KEVEVAPI recruitment process. These includes, overview of the institute, job vacancies, educational qualification and skill, application method and then closing date.

Prior to this, it is important and helpful if you read this article till the end. Let’s get started.

Overview of KEVEVAPI Recruitment

The Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (KEVEVAPI) is a state corporation established under the State Corporations Act, (CAP 446) through Legal Notice No. 223 of 4th June 1990 and operating under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives in the State Department of Livestock.

KEVEVAPI is mandated with the production, manufacturing, research and marketing of veterinary vaccines. The Board of Directors is inviting dynamic, innovative and self-motivated candidates to submit their applications current job vacancies in the institute.

KEVEVAPI recruitment portal will last for about two (2) weeks, anyone interested in the job offer is to submit his or her application before this deadline.

How to Access KEVEVAPI Recruitment Application Form

Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (KEVEVAPI) recruitment application form is out. To access the application form, you have to visit

On opening the job application portal, select the positions you would like to apply and then download the application form to fill.

Not to worry, more details about the application method is explained in the later part of this article.

Requirements for KEVEVAPI Recruitment 2023

To emerge victorious in the 2023 recruitment exercise of Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute, applicants must match the selection criteria below.

  • First, interested applicant must be a Kenyan
  • He or she should possess acceptable means of identification like National Identity Card, Drivers License or Certificate of Origin
  • Candidate applying should have Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) of at least mean grade “C+” (Plus) or its equivalent
  • Bachelor’s degree in social science in any of the following disciplines, Human Resource Management, Personnel Management, Industrial Relations and other related field of study, or equivalent from a recognized university
  • Master’s degree in related field of study
  • Candidate applying must be of good character
  • He or she must possess great interpersonal skills
  • Applicant should be willing to adhere to exiting work principles
  • Candidate should be a registered member or relevant professional body
  • Candidate proficient in computer skills have an added advantage
  • Candidate should demonstrate results in work performance

Key competencies and skills

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Strategic and innovative thinking
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Ability to mobilize resources
  • Negotiation skills
  • Report writing skills

Shortlisted candidates will be required to obtain and be in possession of the following documents at the interview stage:

  • Police Clearance Certificate
  • Tax Compliance Certificate from KRA
  • Clearance from Higher Education Loans Board where applicable
  • Clearance from a registered Credit Reference Bureau
  • Ethics and Anticorruption Commission (Dully filled and completed first schedule (s.13) and self-declaration form stamped by the EACC.
  • Academic/professional certificates and any other documents which may be requested before the interview date.

KEVEVAPI Job Application Process 2023

Below is the guide on how to successfully submit your application for the ongoing KEVEVAPI recruitment exercise 2023.

Application link === >>>

Application should be accompanied with copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, testimonials, national Identity card or passport and other relevant supporting documents, a detailed curriculum vitae stating current position remuneration, emails or other contact details (names, email addresses and mobile phones numbers) of three (3) referees familiar with your qualifications and work experience.

Shortlisted candidates will be required to satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and submit among other documents the following: –

(a) Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations

(b) Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board

(c) Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority

(d) Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission

(e) Report from the Approved Credit Reference Bureau

Interested applicants should submit ten (10) copies of their application and attachments which should be marked “Application for the position of Ref. No.”

All applications should be addressed to:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute
  • P O Box 53260 – 00200

Postal and Hand deliveries of the applications will be accepted.

Application Deadline

KEVEVAPI recruitment portal will be closing on 3rd March, 2023. Ensure you submit your application on or before this deadline to avoid disqualification.

We hope this article was helpful and through it, you will be able to submit an application for Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute job vacancies and off course we wish you nothing but success.

Notwithstanding, if you have a question base on what you have read thus far or face any challenge will trying to submit your application, kindly let us know in the comment box below.

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