Delta State Teachers Recruitment List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022: Check Here

Delta State Teachers Recruitment List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022: Check Here

Delta State Teachers Recruitment List of Shortlisted Candidates 2022: Check Here


The full list of successful selected candidates for Teachers Recruitment 2022 has been issued by the Delta State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. Everyone who applied for the job should download the PDF and look for their names on the list of successful shortlisted applicants in the Delta State Secondary School Teachers Recruitment 2022.

Graduate Launch Programme at Master Card Nigeria 2022

Graduate Launch Programme at Master Card Nigeria 2022

Graduate Launch Programme at Master Card Nigeria 2022


Master card is a worldwide payments firm that specializes in technology. We link customers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and enterprises all around the world to make secure and convenient electronic payments possible. Master card is a driving force at the heart of business, facilitating worldwide transactions and providing insight into the payments process to make trade faster, more secure, and useful to all parties involved. Master card serves more than 210 nations and territories as a vital link between financial institutions and millions of enterprises, cardholders, and merchants throughout the world.

Social Media Manager Recruitment at MPG Partnering

Social Media Manager Recruitment at MPG Partnering

Social Media Manager Recruitment at MPG Partnering


MPG is a Leading Global Pairing Platform Professional Services Company, offering a wide range of services in Strategy and Consulting, Supply Chain Management, Technology, and Operations, as well as digital skills across the board. We apply Industry experience, multiple skill sets, and next-generation technology to each business challenge thanks to our thought leadership and culture of innovation.