
Recruitment at Npower Build 50,000 Trainee Begins – FG Approves N-Build Training 2022: Apply here

Recruitment at Npower Build 50,000 Trainee Begins – FG Approves N-Build Training 2022: Apply here: This is to inform the general public about the recruitment at Npower. Npower is currently building over 50,000 trainee begins which the federal government has approved it.  The FG Approves 50,000 N-Build Trainee Skill acquisition Programme –  Did you apply for the npower build programme? have you completed your npower online test? have you also completed your npower batch C biometrics exercise? Do also know that FG has approved 50000 n-build trainees?


Update on the Npower NEXIT training, Date and Venue for second batch/phase two (2).

Update on the Npower NEXIT  training, Date and Venue for second batch/phase two (2).

This is to bring to the notice of the general public especially those shortlisted in the Npower NEXIT training program for second batch that the date and venue has been announced. Those concerned are by this announcement advised to kindly read the information below and do the needful.


Update on the Date and Venue for Npower NEXIT training for second batch/phase two (2).

 Update on the Date and Venue for Npower NEXIT training for second batch/phase two (2)

This is to bring to the notice of the general public especially those shortlisted in the Npower NEXIT training program for second batch that the date and venue has been announced. Those concerned are by this announcement advised to kindly read the information below and do the needful.

Throne Investment Homes Limited (TIHL) Recruits Social Media Manager

Throne Investment Homes Limited (TIHL) Recruits Social Media Manager

Throne Investment Homes Limited (TIHL) Recruits Social Media Manager

Throne Investment Homes Limited (TIHL) is a viral real estate development and construction firm with a burning desire to deliver the greatest living Home experience to all residents of Abuja and beyond. TIHL has been envisioned as a weapon in the fight against homelessness among Nigerians and Africans in general. This has been set as a goal to be attained by the formation of a group of competent professional engineers whose expertise is sufficient to fulfill our goal. TIHL also serves as an investing platform. This means that our clients can buy property or a house and wait for it to rise in value. If the property appreciates to your satisfaction, we can assist you in selling it with a healthy profit margin. We, at TIHL believes that true dreams go beyond hopes and ideas, which is why we don’t build houses, but homes.

Recruitment at Prudent Energy and Services Limited (PESL) for Human Resources Officer

Recruitment at Prudent Energy and Services Limited (PESL) for Human Resources Officer

Recruitment at Prudent Energy and Services Limited (PESL) for Human Resources Officer

Prudent Energy and Services Limited (PESL) – We are a 100% Nigerian-owned firm with a focus on the downstream sector of the Nigerian oil industry. You will be exposed to business operations and support in downstream Oil & Gas at Prudent Energy and Services Limited (PESL). With a large workforce scattered across several locations, including the centre of Lagos, Our Human Capital, who are accomplished professionals in their industries, will teach you.

Rise to Inspire Africa Initiative Recruits HR/Admin Log Officer

Rise to Inspire Africa Initiative Recruits HR/Admin Log Officer

Rise to Inspire Africa Initiative Recruits HR/Admin Log Officer

Rise to Inspire Africa Initiative is a youth-led, impact-driven, result-oriented non-profit and non-governmental organization dedicated to easing the miseries of Sub-Saharan Africa’s most vulnerable and marginalized people. Through advocacy, collaborative networking, capacity building, and empowerment, the organization aims to bring about positive changes and inspire victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters, particularly women and children, to achieve self-reliance and sufficiency while providing equal opportunities. Through the many and varied programs that will assist them physically, psychologically, and intellectually grow and thrive, we hope to improve our customers’ ability to make integrated and correct decisions.

Compovine Technologies Limited Recruits for Human Resources Officer

Compovine Technologies Limited Recruits for Human Resources Officer

Compovine Technologies Limited Recruits for Human Resources Officer

Compovine Technologies Limited is an indigenous firm whose primary goal is to provide individuals and businesses with information technology, sales, and services. Compovine Technology Limited has offices in Ibadan, Abuja, Lagos, Lokoja, Kano, Kaduna, Jos, Minna, Port Harcourt, and Enugu, with more to come.


Polaris Bank Entry Level Nationwide Recruitment 2022: see how to apply

Polaris Bank Entry Level Nationwide Recruitment 2022: see how to apply- This is to inform the general public about the recruitment at Polaris bank. The recruitment is called the entry level nationwide recruitment. For the qualified person should check below and see how to apply for the recruitment. Polaris Bank was established by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on September 21, 2018 to offer commercial banking services to the Nigerian public.