JAMB Subject Combination for all Courses: List of Subjects to write for your course

JAMB Subject Combination for all Courses: List of Subjects to write for your course – This article summarizes the list of courses or JAMB subject combinations for all courses in Nigeria University. This JAMB subject combination is for all courses or departments in Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and other institutions. SEE THE SUBJECT COMBINATION FOR YOUR DESIRED COURSE HERE


JAMB Regularization Issues Solutions: How to resolve Jamb regularization issues for NYSC mobilization

JAMB Regularization Issues Solutions: How to resolve Jamb regularization issues for NYSC mobilization – This article is to guide on ways to resolve any Jamb regularization issue. We know that most students who wish to go for youth serve has been demoralized as a result of Jamb regularization as approval is not given as at when due. We believe that this article will be of great help to you to resolve all.


NYSC Exemption Letter: How to Apply and Collect NYSC Exemption /Exclusion Certificate

NYSC Exemption Letter: How to Apply and Collect NYSC Exemption /Exclusion Certificate – This Article will help guide you on how you can apply for and collect your NYSC Exemption letter or Certificate successfully. NYSC Batch A, Batch B and Batch C prospective corps members (PCM) can apply for their NYSC Certificate of Exemption using the simple steps below.


NYSC Camp Rules and Regulations and NYSC Orientation Camp Activities in all States

NYSC Camp Rules and Regulations and NYSC Orientation Camp Activities in all States – This article updates with all the camp rules you ought to obey and be aware of to avoid being a victim of any that may result to you being sent back or away from the camp. The rules and regulations guiding the conduct of NYSC Camp and Orientation Camp Processes are all enlisted you. Also, orientation activities – things done in the three weeks orientation camp are also explained here to enable you prepare your mind ahead. SEE FULL DETAILS BELOW


NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization: Differences and How to Revalidate and Remobilize

NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization: Differences and How to Revalidate and Remobilize – NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization comes up every batch and streams of NYSC Registration. This article will guide you on the steps to revalidate and remobilize for the NYSC Batch A, B, C Stream 1 and 2 Registration. Also, the differences between NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization are well explained here to enable you know what to do and how to do it effectively.


List of NYSC States and the Amount Paid as Monthly Allowance to Corps Member

Current State Monthly Allowance to NYSC Corps Members – Apart from the Federal Allowance, It is true that some states support corp members serving within their territories with some stipends (allowance) every moment. However, not all states. This article seeks to inform you of the amount paid by different states to corp members. This will by effect guide your choices for state of deployment.