
Application for Personal Assistant at SPIE Oil & Gas Services

Application for Personal Assistant at SPIE Oil & Gas Services- This is to inform the general public about the application for a personal assistant at SPIE Oil & Gas Services (part of the SPIE Group) provides a complete range of services to some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies through its network of offices in 25 countries across Africa, the Middle-East and Asia-Pacific.


European Union Delegation to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and ECOWAS Recruitment for a Secretary

European Union Delegation to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and ECOWAS Recruitment for a Secretary –The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays an important role in international affairs through diplomacy, trade, development aid and working with global organizations. Abroad, the EU is represented through more than 140 diplomatic representations, known also as EU Delegations, which have a similar function to those of the EU embassy development programme.


Application Form For CBN Tertiary Institutions Entrepren63eurship Scheme

Application Form For CBN Tertiary Institutions Entrepren63eurship Scheme

This is to inform you that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), as part of its policy measures to address rising youth unemployment and underemployment, introduces the Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme (TIES) to create a paradigm shift among undergraduates and graduates of Nigerian polytechnics and universities, from seeking white-collar jobs to entrepreneurship.


Application for Ongoing Recruitment at The Lagos State Primary Health Care Board (PHCB)

Application for Ongoing Recruitment at The Lagos State Primary Health Care Board (PHCB) This is to inform the General public about the Ongoing Recruitment at the Lages State Primary Health Care Board (PHCB). The Lagos State Primary Health Care Board (PHCB) was established by the Lagos State Health Sector Reform Law (2006) and is tasked with the overall responsibility of primary health care management in the State. The Board acts as a strategic link between the State and LGA in matters relating to primary health service improvement and delivery.


Application for Sales Executive at Detopsy Engineering Limited

Application for Sales Executive at Detopsy Engineering Limited This is to inform the public on the application for the sales executive at Detopsy Engineering Limited is an indigenous Nigerian company established by professionals to improve the quality of Engineering Practice and Procedures by developing and maintaining the physical systems that are necessary for the functioning of modern society through Engineering Designs, Inspection, Procurement and Construction services in the areas of Electrical, Instrumentation, Valves, Tank, Metering and Automation to Oil and Gas as well as Marine companies.


The recruitment for Ad Hoc Staff Nationwide for National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA)

The recruitment for Ad Hoc Staff  Nationwide for National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA)

This is to inform the qualifier about the recruitment for Ad Hoc staff Nationwide  the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) , established in 1992, and merged with the National Programme on Immunization (NPI) in 2007, is the domestic development agency for health. Between 1986 and 1992, remarkable and innovative progress was made in the development of Primary Health Care, focusing on the Local Government Areas (LGAs), resulting in Nigeria being placed in the front rank of countries in the world that have advanced the process of equitably improving the health and quality of life of its people through primary health care.


The Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) Administrative Assistant


The Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) Administrative Assistant

This is to inform the general public that the Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is a leading and reputable non-governmental organization addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer through the provision of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, capacity building, research, and care and support sevices. IHVN is in partnership with local and international organizations and the different tiers of the government of Nigeria at national, state and local levels.